Child Support Attorneys Fort Collins CO

During a divorce or allocation of parental responsibilities action, there are many important aspects to keep in mind, including child support. The experienced child support attorneys at Choice City Family Law, LLC. help parents get child support established so that your children are financially supported by both parents.  

Our attorneys represent parents receiving child support as well as parents that are ordered to pay child support. We handle child support matters on their own and within divorce or allocation of parental responsibility matters.

child support attorneys

Who Child Support is For and What Child Support Covers

Child support in Colorado is for the benefit of the children. The state recognizes that children have the right to be supported by each parent. Often, parents think of child support as an obligation from one parent to the other. While one parent typically pays child support to the other, both parents are supporting the children.

Child support covers basic expenses such as clothing, housing, and food. Additional expenses, such as some childcare costs and health insurance, are factored into the child support calculation. Other expenses, such as transportation costs, are not usually included in the basic child support obligation because they fluctuate. Instead, they are paid in addition to the basic support obligation and are usually shared between the parents.  

Children are expensive, but the cost of raising children should be shared between the parents. The child support attorneys at CCFL can help you determine what child support should be and what expenses need to be specially addressed, instead of paid, with basic child support.

How Child Support in Colorado is Calculated

Child support in Colorado is calculated according to the statutory formula. Child support will be determined by the gross monthly income of each parent and the total of overnights each parent has. In addition, the Court will look at which parent pays for the children’s health insurance, childcare costs, and if either parent has children from another relationship that they financially support. Each case is different and there may be additional factors that may affect child support in your case.

Mistakes to the calculation can be costly. It is always best to speak with an experienced attorney about your individual situation to get a clear idea of what child support should be in your case. Our attorneys understand Colorado law and the child support guidelines and can explain your options. 

In some cases, there is the ability to deviate from the guidelines. Depending on your circumstances, the amount of child support or the duration can be adjusted. It is important for you to talk to an experienced child support attorney at CCFL to discuss your unique situation and find out what child support should be in your case. 

Modification of Child Support

Colorado allows for modification of child support when there has been a change in circumstance. Some circumstances can include the loss of a job or increase in income and changes in parenting time.

It is important if you have any changes in circumstance that you contact a family lawyer at CCFL to discuss your options for modifying child support. Making changes quickly can help reduce disruption to either party’s financial state, thus, making sure your children are supported in the best way possible.  

If you are struggling to pay your child support, it is important that you contact an attorney to assist you through a modification action. Not paying your support can lead to severe consequences imposed by the Court. These consequences can range from wage garnishments to jail time.  

Please keep in mind that child support in Colorado can only be modified by the Court.  Even if you and the other parent reach an agreement on modifying child support, you must let the Court know about the agreement and have the Court adopt your agreement as a Court order. The family law attorneys at CCFL can help you get your agreement approved by the Court. We can help take the stress out of modifying child support by keeping you informed throughout the process and helping you get everything filed for a smooth modification of child support.

Enforcement of Child Support

It can be extremely frustrating and stressful when the other parent fails to pay their child support obligation. This can cause great financial hardships and struggles to support your children.  If this is the case, you may need an attorney to help you collect support owed and help ensure that future support is paid.

If the support obligation is not fulfilled, it is important to notify the Court as soon as possible. Our child support attorneys can assist you in calculating the arrears and provide you with your options for enforcement and collection of support. The Court can issue Income Withholding Orders, garnishments, and impose sanctions on the obligated parent.  

Contact a Child Support Attorney at CCFL Today

The experienced child support attorneys at CCFL have years of experience helping clients enforce support orders in a favorable and efficient manner. We help clients in Larimer County, Weld County, Boulder County, and Northern Colorado and can help resolve any other issue related to divorce, including child custody, property division, and more. Contact us to discuss your needs for establishing, modifying, or enforcing your child support.