What Is the Difference Between Mediation and Collaborative Divorce in CO?  

What Is the Difference Between Mediation and Collaborative Divorce in CO?  

Divorce is a challenging time for anyone. Many couples take their case to court. However, there are alternatives to these contentious battles. Mediation and collaborative divorce are gaining in popularity.  What is the difference between mediation and collaborative divorce? We will look at a few factors to help you choose the right option for your…

Separation Before Divorce in Colorado

How Long Do You Have to Be Separated Before Divorce in Colorado?

When it comes time to end the marriage, many couples choose to separate before divorce. Sometimes, that can lead to reconciliation. For others, it is the start of the legal process.  How long do you have to be separated before divorce in Colorado? We will look at Colorado’s divorce laws, separation requirements, and the steps…

The Collaborative Process in Colorado

The Collaborative Process in Colorado: A Step-by-Step Guide

The collaborative process is an alternative dispute resolution method for those wanting to divorce.  With an emphasis on cooperation and mutual respect, couples can settle conflicts without going to court. In many cases, this is a less adversarial approach than litigation.  Are you curious about whether it is right for you? Here is our step-by-step…